1. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) @ 米国・フィラデルフィア(8月10-13日)
- Murakami, A., & Alexopoulou, T. Longitudinal L2 development of the English article in individual learners.
2. EUROSLA @ フィンランド・ユヴァスキュラ(8月24-27日)
- Murakami, A., Michel, M., Alexopoulou, T., & Muerers, D. Analyzing learner language in task contexts: A study case of linguistic complexity and accuracy in EFCAMDAT.
- Alexopoulou, T. & Murakami, A. Incomplete acquisition of relativisors in L2 English.
3. Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC) @ 中国・北京(10月21-23日)
- Kobayashi, Y. & Murakami, A. Contrastive analysis of L2 speech and writing: A multi-dimensional approach.
以上に加え、9月に開催されるAnnual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB)でも以下の発表に名を連ねていますが、私は出席しない予定です。
- Alexopoulou, T. & Murakami, A. Animacy and feature underspecification in L2 English relative clauses.