
Student supervision

I co-supervised an MPhil student at the University of Cambridge, whose dissertation title was “A linguistic classification of article errors for the enhancement of automated error correction systems for ESL learners”

Teaching experience

2017-18 Quantitative data analysis for applied linguistics with R at the Department of Linguistics, University of Tübingen
2016-17 Second language acquisition for MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the Department of English and Media, Anglia Ruskin University (both in the face-to-face delivery and in the distance delivery)
2016-17 Corpora in linguistics research for MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge (co-taught with Dora Alexopoulou)
2016-17 Introduction to R for MPhil and PhD students at Social Sciences Research Methods Centre, University of Cambridge
2016-17 Quantitative Methods for Analysing Language Data for MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, University of Cambridge

Tutorials, workshop instructors, and guest lecturers

2017, Aug. Instructor of the workshop on R statistics held at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
2015, Oct. Instructor of the workshop “Cluster Analysis with R” at the meeting of the INDUS-Netzwerk held at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany [slides, R codes]
2015, Jun. Instructor of the sessions “Regular expressions”, “Overview of other corpora and tools”, and “Data visualization” at CARE Skills Workshops – Corpus Tools for visiting researchers and PhD students at the University of Birmingham
2015, Mar-Apr. Instructor of the sessions “Regular expressions”, “Overview of other corpora and tools”, and “Data visualization” at CARE Skills Workshops – Corpus Tools for visiting researchers and PhD students at the University of Birmingham
2015, Mar. Guest lecturer at the Research Methods module for MA students at the University of Birmingham, lecturing on the use of statistics for corpus-based research
2015, Mar. Instructor of regular expressions at the Researcher Links Workshop at Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue, Islamabad, Pakistan
2015, Feb. Guest lecturer at the Research Methods for Corpus Linguistics module for MA students at the University of Birmingham, lecturing on data visualization with R
2015, Feb. Guest lecturer at the Advanced Corpus Linguistics module for MA students at the University of Birmingham, lecturing on learner corpora, particularly their use in SLA research
2014, Dec. Instructor of the session “Regular expressions” at CARE Skills Workshops – Corpus Tools for visiting researchers and PhD students at the University of Birmingham
2014, Mar. Instructor of the session “Sketch Engine” at CARE Skills Workshops – Corpus Tools for visiting researchers at the University of Birmingham
2012-2013 Supervisor of Li18 Computational Linguistics, University of Cambridge
2011-2012 Supervisor of Li3 Language, Brain, and Society, University of Cambridge
2009, Apr.-Dec. Teaching Assistant at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2009, Mar. Instructor (together with Taku Kaneta) of AntConc at a tool workshop held by Eastern Chapter of the Japan Association for English Corpus Studies
2008, Jul. Instructor (co-taught with Taku Kaneta) of AntConc at a Global COE colloquium, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2008, May Invited instructor (co-taught with Taku Kaneta) of WordSmith Tools Version 5 at Showa Women’s University
2007-2009 Private tutoring (teaching English to primary school and junior high school students)
2005-2007 Part-time teacher at cram schools (teaching English, math, and Japanese to primary school, junior high school, and high school students)

(last updated: 8 April, 2018)